All recirculators on the market work on the same principle: they force (with the help of fans) air through the body, irradiating it with germicidal ultraviolet lamps of different power. Ultraviolet disinfects at a wavelength of 254 Nm, destroying the DNA and RNA chains of disease-causing microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, mold spores and fungi and preventing them from spreading. The speed at which the recirculator treats all the air in the room depends on the volume of the room (area and ceiling height) and the power of the built-in UV lamps.
UV irradiator with two functions
We produce dual-action recirculators, unique on the market, which can work both in the presence of people with the lid closed and as an open irradiator in the absence of people in the room. Using a lidless disinfector allows for more efficient and faster treatment of not only the air but also surfaces with open UV radiation. Unfortunately, conventional closed and safe recirculators are not able to do this, and we all know how much pathogens accumulate on objects.
How can I quickly determine the effectiveness of a recirculator?
Today, there are many ads on the market for recirculators with completely different characteristics and prices. Below we will tell you a simple way to choose an adequate recirculator and not to fall victim to marketing tricks.
In most cases, the recirculator is purchased for use in rooms of the 4th category (offices, living quarters, etc.). According to R 3.5.1904-04 "Use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation for indoor air disinfection" the air purity index in rooms of this category should be at least 90% SA.
How to calculate the efficiency of a recirculator
According to the recommendations, the calculation of the bactericidal installation is made taking into account the minimum value of the duration of effective irradiation, which for closed irradiators is 1 hour.
Simplistically, it can be assumed that 1W of UV lamp radiation is able to disinfect 5 m3 of air to 99% SA within an hour.
Example calculation:
Recirculator based on a single lamp Phillips TUV 30 (UV power 12 W) can effectively disinfect no more than 60 mS / hr and is designed for use in a room IV category area up to 24 m2 with a standard ceiling height of 2.5 meters.
Remember that for the disinfection of the entire room recirculator according to the norms is not more than 1 hour. If the seller tries to convince you otherwise or offers to buy a device with a single lamp Phillips TUV 30 and a fan more powerful than 60m3 / hour better choose another supplier of equipment.